Aldo Marcell


My complete name is Aldo Marcel Velásquez Olivas, but I like to be recognized only as Aldo Marcell.

- Né le / Born : I born the 18th of march in 1978, in Estelí, Nicaragua, and I live there actually.
- Pays / Country: Estelí is a city of the north part of Nicaragua.
- Ocupation / Job : My profesion is biologist, specialized in botany, I am BOTANIST, since I like to design specially the plants representations. I have been umployed in function of my knownledges abouth wild plants of Nicaragua, and I worked as turist guide, enviromental education, and develops of social worcks. Some times I work with the origami art, mostly for educational purposes.

Contact : aldomarcell @
PhotoAlbum : Flickr

Fleurs - plantes / Flowers - plants :

Modular Star




Laelia Rubescens
Capricorn's Iris

Double Mais


Blue Rose


Objets / Objects :

Corazon Alado

Sonobe Moduldes :

Modular Heart (142 p)

Crown of Flowers

Crown of Sunflower

Saisy with Sonobe modular

Kosudama Moduldes :

Kusudama is a particular sort of modular origami. Modular origami involves two or more pieces of paper (sometimes hundreds!) and models can vary immensely in difficulty and the number of pieces of paper. The word itself is a combination of two Japanese words: kusu meaning medicine and dama meaning ball. They were originally used for things like incense and potpourri; however, they are now normally used just as decorations.

Radiant Star (30p)


Cuboctaedro01 (48 p)

Dancing Flowers (60p)



Dancing Flowers01

Sailing Star (30p)

Sailing Star01